We make IT magic.

What We Do
2024 Channel Futures MSP 501 Award
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We’re technology wizards providing supernatural IT solutions that transform businesses.

We turn data into wisdom that helps us predict changes and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of technology.

What We Do

We like to do
things a little

We aren’t afraid to explore new ideas and take risks that push us and our clients out of our comfort zone and toward something better. As our name–Vudu–implies, we believe that good IT is like magic, with the ability to transform businesses.

About Us
Two people laughing together


Vudu Consulting has provided our company with an upgrade to a modern server infrastructure with unlimited scalable resources and support. This transition has created a unified workspace leading to increased productivity.


Wizard with a beard and purple wizard hat

Corey Riley

President, Riley Exploration Group

Start making IT magic

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